Communal Cremation And Aquamation Services
During communal cremations and Aquamation your pet will finish its journey alongside other beloved animals. The ashes of your faithful companion will either be scattered on our peaceful country property overlooking the rolling hills of Antigonish or placed in our communal burial plot, depending on the time of year.
Communal Cremation and Aquamation Pricing
Please contact us to make arrangements for our Communal Cremation or Aquamation Service or any of our other services. We are always willing to talk during this difficult time.
Pocket Pet $23.00
Feline $40.25
Canine (Up to 25lbs) $55.20
Canine (26 – 49lbs) $66.70
Canine (50 – 70lbs) $2.30/ lb
Canine (70+ lbs )$2.87/ lb
Residential removal is $45.00 within the town of Antigonish and $45.00 plus $.70/km outside of Antigonish town limits.
Prices above do not include HST.
Veterinary Clinic pick up is included on our regular schedule for clinics partnering with PPC
Additional charges may apply for pick ups at clinics not yet partnered with PPC
**Please note, there is no visitation permittied to pets final resting place.**